Human Response Network (HRN) is serious about protecting our clients from contracting COVID-19. We have put practices in place for both clients and employees to follow during an appointment.

After you arrive at HRN and before you enter the building your temperature will be taken using a touchless thermometer.
A series of questions will then be asked by an HRN employee:
Within the last 14 days, have you traveled to areas outside of Trinity and/or Shasta counties or have you been in close contact with anyone who has traveled outside these areas?
Have you had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days that are not attributed to another cause: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting or diarrhea?
Within the past 14 days, has a public health or medical professional told you to self-monitor, self-isolate, or self-quarantine because of concerns about COVID-19 infection?
If you are able to answer no to all of the above questions and do not have a fever then you will be allowed in the building to complete your needed services. If you are unable to answer no to any of the above questions or have a fever, then you will be asked to return home until such time as the symptoms pass.
You will be asked to wear a mask while inside the building. Staff will also be wearing a mask while meeting with you. After each client has left the building, the area is then disinfected prior to the next client.
If you have any questions about the procedures in place you please email or contact Sheri White at (530)623-2024.