Safe, affordable housing is a basic need that establishes a foundation for individuals and families to be able to thrive. As you likely know, housing in Trinity County can be expensive and difficult to find. Human Response Network (HRN) provides a variety of housing programs to help families and individuals who need assistance with rent, eviction prevention, utilities, hotel, emergency, and transitional housing.
With no homeless shelters in the county, HRN’s emergency shelter trailers are often the only option homeless families have. They are used to house families or individuals on a temporary basis while they are looking for more permanent housing options. During this time, clients are provided with an array of supportive services and life skills coaching. Clients are encouraged to create a resume and look for employment if they are unemployed. Clients are assisted with obtaining proper ID, searching for housing, creating a budget, and if the family has children, we offer parenting and help connect them with childcare resources. Each family has a case worker who assists them as they walk through the steps to finding stable, permanent housing.
Transitional housing units are used to house families for a longer period if they are unable to find rental housing on their own or need a longer amount of time to work on their housing plans. Families who make progress while living in the emergency trailers are eligible to move to transitional housing if there is a unit available. While the families reside in transitional housing, they work on obtaining employment if not already employed, saving money, and repairing any credit issues that might prevent them from securing a rental. They continue to be provided with case management and supportive services that will allow them to be successful in finding permanent housing they are able to secure for themselves.
HRN has seen success with these programs. One family that lived in our transitional housing units and moved into a rental they secured was eventually able to save enough money to purchase a home of their own. Another family living in one of our transitional housing units was able to find a job, gain experience and able to transfer to another position where they received a higher wage. This allowed the family to move from our transitional housing unit into a house they were able to rent.
Human Response Network (HRN) is supported by grants and donations to run the programs we offer. Several of the grants we receive are specific to housing for residents of Trinity County. Our emergency and transitional housing units, however, are not always covered by grants. We need additional funding, especially, to support the upkeep of the buildings. We would like to invite you to join HRN in helping to house individuals and families in our county. Donations can be specifically marked for housing. You can donate on our website at mail it to HRN at P.O. Box 2370, Weaverville, CA 96093 or drop it off at the HRN building located at 111 Mountain View, Weaverville, CA 96093.
On behalf of families receiving housing assistance in Trinity County, thank you!